Does Rejuvime prescribe medications that prevent side effects?

Yes! We can prescribe hair loss medications, nausea medications, estrogen blockers & many more!

Can I use my HSA card?

Yes. We accept HSA as well as FSA cards.

What is the process of adding medications to my current treatment plan?

Call our office & speak to one of our nurses to add or change anything on your treatment plan! 

How do I get started?

NO appointment is necessary for first-time patients! Walk into one of our offices and fill out paperwork! A $225 fee pays for your comprehensive hormone panel and the first time provider consultation. 

Does Rejuvime Medical take insurance? 

We are a concierge clinic, so we do not accept insurance. However, we do accept HSA and FSA cards.

What areas do you serve?

Men and women from throughout Louisiana and Mississippi come to Rejuvime’s Baton Rouge and Metairie clinics for hormone replacement therapy and anti-aging treatments.

What happens when a man's testosterone is low?

The list of symptoms associated with low testosterone (low T) is extensive and they can negatively affect a man’s quality of life. Testosterone levels for men begin to dip after age 30 at a pace of about 1% each year. This is a normal part of aging. Low testosterone levels can result in a reduced sex drive, loss of physical performance, increased body fat, fatigue, decreased strength, swollen breast tissue, and hot flashes, among other symptoms.

What happens when your estrogen is too low?

Hormone levels that are too low or too high can lead to multiple symptoms. The weight gain associated with low estrogen levels, for instance, can increase the chances of developing certain illnesses, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Low estrogen also causes several other symptoms, such as hot flashes, depression, painful sex, fatigue, irregular or absent periods, breast tenderness, and increased urinary tract infections (UTI).

Can estrogen reverse aging?

Age-related dips in estrogen production result in drier skin and lines developing around the mouth and the forehead. Estrogen also contains hyaluronic acid, which plays an essential role in making skin appear younger. So, although boosting estrogen levels doesn’t actually reverse the aging process, it minimizes the signs of aging.

Does HRT therapy reduce the symptoms of menopause?

A well-designed HRT treatment plan should help to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Rejuvime focuses on creating treatment plans designed to specifically meet our patients’ needs.

How do I know if I have low T?

You may have some suspicion of low T based on your symptoms. You can take our quiz to see if you know the various low T symptoms. However, the quickest and easiest way to know is to get a full lab panel drawn to determine your current hormone levels.

Will HRT help with my sex drive and libido?

HRT has been shown to strongly increase sex drive and libido in both men and women.


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