Are there any natural ways to increase testosterone or estrogen?

Certain lifestyle and dietary choices can help boost testosterone or estrogen production. For example, some of the best exercises for increasing testosterone levels and encouraging weight loss combine cardio workouts and weightlifting. Getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and consuming a nutritious diet are all linked to having balanced hormone levels.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t get HRT?

Ensuring you’re a good candidate for HRT is our specialists’ first step at Rejuvime Medical. That includes getting a detailed health history. Anyone whose endocrine system isn’t fully developed or who doesn’t experience symptoms of hormone deficiency should not get HRT. Also, people with certain medical conditions, such as a history of cancer, are not good candidates for HRT. Completing our patient questionnaire can help determine if HRT is right for you.

Are there any differences between HRT and bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are derived from plants and more closely mimic our bodies’ naturally produced hormones than synthetic hormones. Synthetic hormones may have a chemical structure similar to hormones produced by the body, but they are not exactly the same. Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones your body produces.

Does bioidentical hormone replacement therapy really work?

Yes, BHRT is effective for many people. Your results depend on your symptoms and health history. Our hormone specialists adjust the dosages if necessary to ensure you get the best possible outcome.

Does HRT help you look younger?

Both estrogen and testosterone replacement therapy can help minimize facial aging by improving skin hydration, elasticity, and thickness and reducing the appearance of wrinkles—all benefits that may help you look more youthful.

Does HRT make you gain weight?

Weight gain is a side effect some patients experience, but it often results because of increased muscle mass and bone density. These positive side effects are usually seen more often in men than women.

Is there a importance of when to come in for follow up labs?

Yes! On a Testosterone shot day prior to injecting. Not applying creams before labs. For females, day 19-21 of cycle.

Does Rejuvime prescribe medications that prevent side effects?

Yes! We can prescribe hair loss medications, nausea medications, estrogen blockers & many more!

Can I use my HSA card?

Yes. We accept HSA as well as FSA cards.

What is all included in the VIP subscription?

The VIP Program includes (at no additional cost) all routine lab work, provider consultations, medication supplies & services, and medication shipping costs. Patients and spouses will receive a fifteen percent discount on all Botox & Fillers while a Rejuvime VIP Program member!

What is the process of adding medications to my current treatment plan?

Call our office & speak to one of our nurses to add or change anything on your treatment plan! 

How do I get started?

NO appointment is necessary for first-time patients! Walk into one of our offices and fill out paperwork! A $225 fee pays for your comprehensive hormone panel and the first time provider consultation. 

Does Rejuvime Medical take insurance? 

We are a concierge clinic, so we do not accept insurance. However, we do accept HSA and FSA cards.

What areas do you serve?

Men and women from throughout Louisiana and Mississippi come to Rejuvime’s Baton Rouge and Metairie clinics for hormone replacement therapy and anti-aging treatments.

Will HRT increase my energy?

A deficiency in hormones is often coupled with a lack of energy, motivation, and drive. By optimizing your hormone levels, you should have an improvement in each of these areas.
