Holly Valentine, Lead Medical Provider, and Lacee May, a Nurse Practitioner here at Rejuvime sit down and discuss our newest treatment, Vaginal Rejuvenation.

Ladies, we’re here today with Lacee May. She’s one of our nurse practitioners at Rejuvime, and we’re gonna talk about something that may be a little embarrassing or most women don’t talk about or seek out treatment for, but it’s our newest treatment at Rejuvime Medical and that’s vaginal rejuvenation. So Lacey, tell us a little bit about vaginal rejuvenation. What symptoms does it treat, or what conditions would it be used for? It could be used for what we call vaginal atrophy or dryness in the vagina. It could be used for decreased sensation, women that are unable to achieve orgasm or that may not have very pleasurable orgasms, but also to even incontinence for the ladies that have these stress incontinence issues, whether it be from childbirth or menopause in general. Awesome, so the procedure itself, what does it actually entail? Is it painful? That’s probably the number one question we get about it. It does sound very intimidating, but the procedure is very simple, really, and very safe. We do get the patient to come in and we draw your blood, we spin that blood down to what we call a plasma rich protein, or a PRP. That is injected all into the vaginal canal and around even the clitoris to help improve sensation overall.  Right, and the pain itself is probably comparable to that of a pap smear. Exactly, exactly.⁣  All right. And so what kind of results can patients expect from vaginal rejuvenation treatment?  Results can be seen in about two weeks or so. I usually tell patients try to give it that period of time to start to notice results, but results can last maybe three to six months up to a year. Re-treatment is really based on the patient’s preference, not necessary.  For more information on vaginal rejuvenation, you can visit us at rejuvimemedical.com.

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