Woman in green staring off screen

There has probably never been a better time in history than we have right now to pursue maintaining a youthful appearance and physique. With so many anti-aging remedies on the market, there’s a solution for almost everything. Science now knows so much more about the why and how of aging that we can develop the products to precisely target those areas and delay or reverse them. While there are many treatments that can help with anti-aging, in this article, we’d like to focus on the anti-aging benefits of Omega-3’s.

What are Omega-3’s?

You’ve probably already heard the term “Omega-3” and know that it’s healthy for you, but what exactly is an Omega-3? Omega-3’s are polyunsaturated fat molecules called fatty acids, and their name comes from the fact that there is a double bond on the 3rd carbon molecule at the “tail” of the chain (the “omega” end). There is another type of fatty acid called Omega-6, which simply means that the double bond occurs at the 6th carbon molecule instead of the 3rd. This tiny change makes a huge difference in the way that our bodies process and react to it.

Are Omega-3’s needed?

Yes. Our bodies cannot synthesize Omega-3’s, so they must come from our diet. Most Western diets do not contain enough Omega-3’s, as the typical person tends to eat almost exclusively Omega-6’s. Omega-6’s are also important. However, the optimum balance is approximately 1:1 between the two fatty acids, and if someone is getting Omega-6’s to the exclusion of Omega-3’s, the imbalance will create problems. Therefore, for most people, in order to bring this ratio back into balance, they simply need to find more sources of Omega-3’s and add them to their diet.

What Anti-Aging Benefits do Omega-3’s Have?

Omega-3’s are incredibly important to many bodily functions, but in this article we will just cover a few of the ones that relate to anti-aging. Start getting the benefit of these things into your diet today.


Inflammation is one of the classic difficulties of aging. Many people think it’s normal to have aching joints, tons of aches and pains, and low-grade joint pain as a normal course of aging. However, these things often have inflammation at their root, and if you can take care of the inflammation, you can reduce the symptoms that you’re experiencing. Rheumatoid arthritis is one example of inflammation that Omega-3’s can help to reduce. Of course, reducing inflammation is not as simple as increasing your Omega-3’s, because you might have to look at other sources and causes of inflammation as well, but it can definitely make a difference.

Skin Rejuvenation

Omega-3’s and Omega-6’s hang out in the cell membranes of every cell in our bodies. They provide structure and flexibility to the cell wall. If there is an overabundance of Omega-6’s in our cell membranes, they will be less healthy than if they have a balanced proportion of Omega-3’s. Having the proper amount of Omega-3’s in the cell wall can help to neutralize free radicals that contribute to cell aging.

Brain Function

Having an abundance of Omega-3’s is likely to make your brain happy, from improving your memory to increasing your cognitive function. Have you just gotten used to forgetfulness as a symptom of your age? Why not try increasing your Omega-3 consumption and see if you notice a difference? Your brain is 60% fat, and since your body cannot synthesize Omega-3’s if your brain is not getting the amount it needs, it will have to do without.


One of the common side effects of aging is depression, and fighting off this depression in order to enjoy your maximum well-being is sometimes tough. There are many triggers for depression to sneak in and overtake you as you age. For instance, if increasing health problems keep you from being able to do the things you used to do, it’s easy to get depressed at the loss of the activities you loved. One of the coolest things that Omega-3’s do is that they can increase your dopamine levels. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that causes you to feel pleasure, and it can decrease with aging. Giving your brain the Omega-3’s it needs can boost your mood and help to address depression at the source (your brain).

Great! I want to boost my Omega-3 intake! How do I do it?

The best way to boost your Omega-3 intake is through natural food sources and not through a supplement. Supplements of Omega-3 fatty acids can interact with certain medications, so be sure to consult with your doctor before taking a supplement. However, there are a number of delicious and wholesome foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, and adding these foods to your diet can be a healthy way to boost your levels of Omega-3. Try eating more of these foods:

  • Salmon
  • Chia Seeds
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • Fish Oil (e.g. Cod Liver Oil or Krill Oil)
  • Green Plants (e.g. Spinach or Algae)
  • Grass-fed Meat Products

Here at Rejuvime Medical, we are committed to helping you to feel as good as you look, and look as good as you feel. Our anti-aging treatments include bioidentical hormones, vitamin injections, and much more. Don’t travel your anti-aging journey alone. Our medical professionals are here to evaluate your body’s unique needs and provide you the recommended course of treatment so that you can fight back against your body’s aging process.

Contact us today
to get started.

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