Patient Parker Ramirez talks about her positive experience with Semaglutide and Rejuvime Medical.

My name is Parker Ramirez and I’m on semaglutide, at Rejuvime Medical. At Rejuvime, the first thing you do, is go do your lab work. And it’s great because you can either call to schedule or you can walk in. And you get your lab work done and then a week later, you schedule your one-on-one consultation and then they’ll kind of go through your labs and tell you where your levels need to be at. And then when it came to semaglutide, I really told th’em what I wanted my goal to be. And then I gave them my history and they’re like, “Okay, this is the treatment plan that we think would be best for you.” And then, from there, they really educate you and if you have a question, they’re literally a phone call away. They have an amazing team of nurses and nurse practitioners and even, like, the ordering team, they’re fantastic, if you have any questions or anything. And they can even ship your supplies to you. I started noticing results, in, honestly, about a week. I think I lost about three pounds in a week. And then, in three months I was down 30 pounds. So, it was crazy. If I had a friend that was on the fence, I would tell ’em to get off the fence, jump off. Because, if they wanna change their life, they better get started quickly. And Rejuvime Medical is the best option because they’re gonna be at your side the entire way. I’m so much happier. I’m a lot more confident. I can finally fit in those clothes that I’ve always wanted to buy. I’m so thankful for semaglutide.

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