Learn more about semaglutide and tirezepatide with Dr. Weiler and our medical provider Bre.

Typically after the age of 40, both men and women lose their hormone levels. For men, it’s mostly testosterone, drop in your testosterone. For women, it’s dropped in estrogens and testosterone. These drops and the aging process cause the buildup of weight over time, and none of us want that. Weight can build up slowly and so this weight gain can be almost insurmountable as you get into your thirties, forties and fifties. So here at Rejuvime Medical, we offer an injectable medication to help with your weight loss. You’ve probably heard about this medication before, semaglutide. This is what we call GLP ones. It’s a whole new sort of, brand new class of medications. They’ve been around for a number of years, but recently they’ve become very, very popular. This medication was originally intended for type two diabetes or pre-diabetes. And what it does is manage the insulin and glucose levels. We know by managing those levels, getting ’em under better control, that it allows patients to lose up to 30% of their weight, not 30 pounds, 30% of their weight. Yes, truly amazing. So even if you’re just an average mom wanting to lose 10 to 15 pounds, we can help you, but we can also help those patients who are looking to lose 40 pounds or more. Yep. So at Rejuvime, we really provide a comprehensive sort of program to help you manage your weight. We’re gonna give you the medical guidance, we’re gonna give you the tools. We’re gonna stop allowing you to do those fad and yo-yo diets, right? So we’re gonna allow you to live a healthier, happier lifestyle and we’re gonna bring you there, with our guidance.

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