Man in the gym using a medicine ball, performing an oblique twist exercise (model)

When you search online for “hormone replacement therapy,” or HRT, the results commonly refer to treatments for women going through menopause who are experiencing hot flashes or other symptoms associated with fluctuating estrogen levels. Men going through a similar phase, often called andropause, can also get hormone therapy—called testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Is there a difference between HRT and TRT? That is one of the questions we’ll answer in this blog post, along with how to know if you’re a good candidate for TRT and why the gradual decline of testosterone levels is natural.

Is TRT the Male Equivalent of HRT?

Even though you’ll find that TRT and HRT are often used interchangeably, there is an important distinction between the two treatments. The goal of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is to optimize and balance the levels of several different hormones in the body, usually including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. TRT focuses exclusively on optimizing your testosterone levels. Seen that way, TRT is the male equivalent of HRT.

What Is Andropause?

Sometimes called male menopause, andropause describes the changes that occur when male hormones—especially testosterone—decline. Testosterone levels peak in men in their 20s and then begin to naturally decline around age 30. This methodical loss of testosterone is different than menopause, during which women experience sudden changes in the level of estrogen and other hormones.

When Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Needed?

If it’s natural for testosterone levels to drop as men get older, how do you know if TRT is necessary? When testosterone levels dip too much—a condition called low T—a man may experience unwanted symptoms that affect his quality of life and health. These symptoms include a low sex drive, fatigue, significant decrease in strength, mood swings, and brain fog, among others. TRT balances testosterone levels and minimizes or eliminates these symptoms.

How Does TRT Work?

At Rejuvime Medical, we customize testosterone replacement therapy for each patient after taking a full medical history and conducting blood tests. Testosterone can be administered using different methods. These options include self-injections, patches, topical gels, pills, or an implant placed just below the skin’s surface that gradually releases the hormone. In all cases, we closely monitor patients and adjust their testosterone levels, if necessary.

How Soon Do You See Results of TRT?

The time it takes to experience the desired changes after starting TRT depends on your low T symptoms. For example, men with low libido often have a renewed sex drive about 3 weeks after starting TRT, with sexual performance improving gradually after that for several months. A noticeable increase in lean muscle mass takes about 3 months, with improved bone density occurring after about 12 months and continuing for years. You can read more about how TRT helps you build muscle in a previous blog post.

Do You Think You Have Low T?

If you’ve experienced low T symptoms and believe testosterone replacement therapy may be an appropriate treatment, you can learn more by requesting a consultation at our Baton Rouge or Metairie location using the online form. Or call us at (225) 960-1580 (Baton Rouge) or (504) 252-9579 (Metairie).

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