A woman experiencing hot flashes sits in front of an oscillating fan.

The most common questions we hear at Rejuvime Medical are about the side effects of hormone replacement therapy. In Baton Rouge and Metairie, our providers describe the most complained about side effects associated with HRT and explain that each patient’s experience is unique. Just as important, we provide information about how to minimize those effects.

Knowing what to expect is crucial for patients getting hormone replacement therapy, whether it’s to reduce symptoms associated with menopause or hormone therapy that’s part of anti-aging treatment for men. Our Baton Rouge- and New Orleans-based clinics see women and men for a range of concerns, and our providers have the expertise to educate them on what side effects may occur.

Common HRT Side Effects

As we mention above, HRT’s side effects vary from patient to patient, and some patients never encounter any negative side effects. For those who do, these are the most common:

  • Acne
  • Hair thinning
  • Increased blood viscosity
  • Weight gain

The first step patients can take to minimize these effects is to follow the instructions provided by our providers. In some cases, we can provide additional medications to manage side effects.

Tips for Minimizing Side Effects

Getting an accurate assessment at the very beginning of your therapy from a qualified and highly trained provider is the primary way to avoid significant side effects of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Here are some other steps that can reduce or eliminate the negative side effects of HRT therapy. These include:

  • Find the best product and delivery method for you: There are multiple ways to take hormones. The optimal delivery system depends on a number of factors, including your overall health, symptoms, personal preference, and the goals you have for the treatment. The 4 primary ways to administer hormones are pills, injections, creams, and pellets—although not all hormones can be taken in all those ways.
  • Minimize the amount of medication you take: Minimize the amount of medication you take: The majority of side effects occur when patients exceed prescribed doses. The solution? Follow your provider’s instructions. Don’t exceed your prescribed dose.
  • Seek regular follow-up care: This is built into the hormone replacement therapy process at Rejuvime Medical. At periodic appointments, our specialists track your progress throughout the year, including drawing blood and having a nurse practitioner discuss possible adjustments based on the lab results.
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices, including exercise and consuming a healthy diet: This is something we emphasize at Rejuvime Medical. Our holistic approach to treatment includes ensuring patients exercise daily, avoid smoking, and limit alcohol. We also discuss stress management and identify ways to manage chronic health conditions such as elevated cholesterol levels or high blood pressure.
  • Communicate with your provider about additional medication: In the limited instances that side effects occur, simply communicate to your provider, as there are alternative solutions to counteract any potential negative side effects.

If you’re a man or woman experiencing symptoms that can be treated with hormone replacement therapy, contact us using the online form to request a consultation. Or call us at (225) 725-7269.

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