Rejuvime Medical

As we age, our hormone levels decline and we can become deficient in these essential hormones. These deficiencies can cause many side effects such as fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, hair loss, mood swings, low sex drive, and poor concentration. As a female, it is imperative to not only balance but optimize estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels.

Hormone losses and imbalances are correctible!  

Opportunities now exist for you to delay and defer symptoms of menopause through natural and safe hormone replacement therapy.  This means the effects of lowered estrogen, progesterone and testosterone from menopause can all be negated using a process called Bio-identical hormone placement therapy, otherwise known as BHRT.  

Rejuvime Medical is an anti-aging clinic that specializes in the use of bio-identical hormones, which are naturally occurring hormones that are structurally identical to those that are produced in our own bodies. Through the use of bio-identical hormones, women can be relieved of the symptoms associated with hormone imbalances/deficiencies.  For women who are deficient in testosterone alone, the benefits of testosterone therapy seen include improved memory, improved cognitive function, alleviation of depression, enhanced sexual performance, better libido, restoration of lean muscle, decrease in body fat, lower risk of heart disease and increased energy levels.  This medically supervised treatment can make women feel healthier, more vibrant and return of your MOJO.

Oprah Winfrey is a vocal user of BHRT, praising its effects in this excerpt from an article on WebMD:“After one day on bio-identical estrogen, I felt the veil lift,” Winfrey writes. “After three days, the sky was bluer, my brain was no longer fuzzy, and my memory was sharper. I was literally singing and had a skip in my step.”Along with BHRT, our expert staff is ready to assist you with the most advanced techniques in IV hydration therapy; with vitamins and medication support to help you live a healthy, more satisfying lifestyle.

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