A woman with her head laying down on desk (model)

Aging isn’t always a smooth, simple process. Many men and women struggle with unwanted side effects that can cause physical or mental discomfort. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at our Baton Rouge or Metairie location can help reverse some of these problems. But how do you know if hormone replacement therapy is right for you?

Our well-trained staff has the skills and experience to help identify all your hormone-related health issues. If you’re interested in HRT, here is an outline of what you can expect during the discovery process.

Recognizing the Symptoms

Patients struggling with hormone imbalances may struggle with an array of unwanted symptoms. Our practice website has a quick questionnaire that lists several common symptoms of hormone deficiencies. If you’re over the age of 30 and have noticed any of the following issues, the following 6 signs may indicate you need HRT.

6 Signs You May Need Hormone Replacement Therapy Instagraphic


Identifying these signs is a great starting point for any patient interested in HRT. If you have chronic issues with these symptoms, our staff can guide you toward your best treatment options.

Gathering Data

After recognizing the most common signs of hormone deficiencies, our specialists can start gathering data. You will meet with our nurse and discuss which symptoms most impact your life. We will discuss our available treatment programs, and you will undergo a comprehensive lab panel to help determine your current hormone levels.

Once the lab work is back and we’ve analyzed the data, our team can identify which hormones are deficient or imbalanced. Our staff will set up a personal meeting where we walk you through the lab results, explain the correlated symptoms, and perform a comprehensive physical.

Creating Your Treatment Plan

After identifying the symptoms and analyzing the data, our team can start to form a game plan. A provider will help you create a personalized anti-aging HRT regimen that’s suited to your needs. No two patients are exactly alike, so it is important to speak to one of our highly trained hormone specialists. They will provide detailed information about your HRT treatments.

Our staff will monitor your progress and adjust your regimen according to your health needs and hormone levels. You’re never alone throughout the HRT process—our specialists are here to support you every step of the journey.

Aging doesn’t have to be a painful part of life. By knowing the signs of hormone deficiencies and trusting our knowledgeable staff, we can create an HRT treatment plan that rejuvenates you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

If you would like to learn more about your hormone replacement therapy options in Baton Rouge or Metairie, please request a consultation online. You can also contact our office by phone at (225) 960-1580.

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